How to find us
You can find us at this address: Via Per Noceno, 23838 Vendrogno LC
There are four ways to get to Vendrogno by car:
- The highway 36 Lecco-Colico, Bellano exit.
- The old panoramic lakeview road, going up from Bellano.
- The Valsassina road, until you get to Taceno-Comasira-Vendrogno.
After the village of Vendrogno one must keep going up for 2 km, until the crossroad with directions for Noceno - taking the road to Noceno, after 400 mt the farm and its shop are on the right. Our farm is the second after the crossroad.
- From the Alta Valsassina, following the road to Narro. Staying on the main road after the hairpin turn with the S. Grato marker, you will find the directions for Noceno - following that road the farm is the second on the right.